Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Final Crisis #5 - Review

I'm back with the first Final Crisis review again.(I think)

Wow. That was not a bad issue at all. Still not great but not bad at all. I think after reading this and the past issues I realize this doesn't feel like an event. It's very unprofessional from every standpoint. It doesn't look like care was put into it.

The whole behind the scenes mess and scandal or bullshit scandal. And editorial mismangement. Mean this has lost all the impact it should have had. This is a clusterfuck. Infinite Crisis turned into drivel, but from Issues 1-4, they grabbed you by the balls, it felt important, it felt grand, it felt EPIC. This doesn't.

Maybe it isn't meant to but I can't help but feel it should have been. Parts of it feel like hope is lost but then it doesn't.

What everyone always talks about with Morrison is concepts and it's everywhere here. concepts about anything and everything, going against the natural order of everything a normal human believes. all types of ideals and ideas turned on itself. the notion of an ultra god and the universe collapsing under his weight. Morrison should have written the bible.

As for the story, the preview pages showed how heavily the Green Lanterns are involved in this. With the massive boost in popularity and acclaim that Geoff Johns' reinvisioned GL Mythos has had in the past few years, The Green Lanterns and the mythos itself has become a stronger and larger part of the DCU. So it makes sense for them to have a big role to play. The coolest thing about Final Crisis and the past few issues is how Morrison has made the Mythic superheroes of the DCU, the big guns, the Gods themselves; Superman, Batman, Hal Jordan, Barry Allen, Martian Manhunter, Wonder Woman (poor Aquaman) far larger and greater within the universe itself. They are Gods. They are the ultimate heroes. Hal Jordan is shown why he is one of the big guns, he's a normal human in most cases, but within the confines of this universe and it's ideals, he is a mythical God, something that just can't be broken or held back, something that goes beyond life and death.

The Idea I liked most is that Darkseid invades and whilst this invasion happens the big guns are taken out or M.I.A. The idea that if these big guns were around they just couldn't invade. Superman sent into the multiverse, Batman captured, Hal Jordan framed, Barry Allen dead and in the middle of a resurrection, Wonder Woman infected, Martian Manhunter killed, Aquaman M.I.A(i get the feeling he'll make a re-entrance). Darkseid knows these guys are not to be fucked with.

So in this issue it starts with Hal Jordan bein tried by the court of Oa. According to the book of Oa, an Alpha Lantern is infallible which is why the word of Kraken who obviously has something wrong with her is taken so strongly. However, the cool thing is that the Guardians recognize what a hero Jordan is so they want to examine it carefully, just in time for Guy and Kyle to come and save the day. Kraken is revealed to be harboring Granny Goodness who wants to steal the power of the central battery. She fails and the Green Lanterns are sent to save the planet, led by Hal Jordan. Yes, badass. And it looks like ALL the Green Lanterns are being sent in as an army to fight Darkseid's forces. Darkseid doesn't see this coming, but we'll see how that turns out.

Back on Earth, Checkmate reveals that they have created seven day lifespan super soldiers which are a last move in case the 'superheroes failed to save us'. The Soldiers themselves are Kirby's Omac's.

In Bludhaven, Darkseid's minions each try to get on top of the other by pleasing him so he won't kill them. Already the evilness of Darkseid has become far more absolute compared to the Fourth World Version. Darkseid sends his army to confront the Superhero squad that is making it's way to fight his forces. His forces include his new Furies(Wonder Woman's animal face thing is a mask, not her actual face, but like a war mask) and

Kalibak's new squad of Killer humanoid tigers(comic books yay) known as the Tiger-Clan.The actual Superhero squad is small which we learn because some are dead, some are missing and others have become Justifiers. The Squad is varied with Frankenstein leading the way, Supergirl, Freddy Freeman, Black Adam, John Stewart, Half the JSA, Red Arrow, Vixen, Blue Deul and other charging through the beautiful ruins of Bludhaven.

At Checkmate headquarters, a battle continues. Tempest and Hawkgirl try their best to fight the forces, Alan Scott gets overwhelmed by more Justifiers including a Justifier Donna Troy, when Hawkman shows up with a bunch of flying heroes fucking people up.

Inside Checkmate, A member of the Super Young Team who is like The Wasp with super breath attacks the checkmate soldiers till mr Terrific calms everybody down. Motherboxxx found them and took the super young team there, Mister MIracle can't be killed so he gets up on his flying discs. The coolest Morrisonian aspect, the Motherboxxx analogy "Motherboxx is more than a machine. If Gods made I-pods that were alive? Way beyond that". Mr Terrific says that Checkmate has drawn enemy fire there to let the squad in bludhaven end it at the source. It's there they find out that time and space is breaking, that Darkseid is about to ascend which could be the equivalent of being Self-Aware. In this case the Swiss border moved. Mister Terrific says that a Devil God is dragging them down into nothingness, a place with no light, no time, no hope and no escape. it's there he tells everyone to paint the symbol on their faces, the one that Anthro painted on himself. The symbol of Metron.

The Squad in Bludhaven are attempting to break the force field that covers Darkseid's headquarters. Kalibak and his aquad are about to strike but "wait for the lightning" which happens to be a psychotic Mary Marvel who is flying straight at Supergirl, but mid way is intercepted by Black Adam who then flies her through a building(badass) and starts beating the shit out of her, but she enjoys it. Freddy naively(but of course typically) tries to stop Black Adam who is trying to kill her because it's the only choice, of course it backfires and Adam was right as Mary throws a car at Adam knowing him out. Freddy tries to plead with her but to no avail, she has a new word, a blasphemous word. Mary is acting all bad sexy girl to Freddy, and taunting him until Tawny Tiger shows up with a piece of weaponry developed by Dr Sivanna's son, he tells Mary to step aside and say her word. Freddy tells him to get away that it's not her and she'll kill him, but Kalibak knocks him out. A Tiger vs Tiger battle was going to happen. One in a war outfit, the other in a suit. Maybe next issue.

Elsewhere in Bludhaven, that exiled monitor is thrown into a room for later use by Mokkari to experiment on, see he and some others, who are wired differently(or what looks like to be from another part of the multiverse) aren't affected by Anti Life. It's there that some strange figure in a robe on the corner tells the monitor that there is a special number, a God number, one related to the amount of moves made to solve a Rubik's cube(that Morrison), he also says it was the monitor who summoned 'him'(i'm assuming Darkseid). The monitor is broken, he thinks it's all hopeless. The figure tells him that if the superheroes can't save them then he should think of something and make it real. It's there he remembers the name of a Monitor; Weeja Dell. Right when that happens, Mokkarri and some justifiers walk in. When a man also in the room in a wheelchair who is out of his mind, solves the Rubik's cube in 17 moves, the number of the Gods. And his eyes light up and there is a bright white heat of light.

In Bludhaven, some eerie visual imagery of the dark red skies and public, medievil executions. Libra sends the Calculator to be executed, for allegations that he helped the heroes coordinate the attack. From what you can see, you get the feeling it was Luthor who is helping the heroes. Libra tells Luthor that he'll be leading the rearguard at the bridge in Bludhaven. I've given J.G Jones alot of shit but I give him props for this page. You can just comepletely see that Luthor regrets what he's gotten himself into, that he feels powerless and almost ready to cry.

Darkseid begins to wake, as he does, his minions start dying. Simyan, Mokkari, Godfrey, all die. Darkseid is pure death. He says that no living thing can resist him now and that people have only ever faced the idea of a God before, but now he is a God incarnate. "All is one in Darkseid!".

At the bridge, it's there Supergirl sees a massive energy within the bunker(Darkseid) connecting to a gigantic nervous system. Basically Darkseid is becoming everything(this is trippy stuff, much cooler than Christianity). John Stewart screaming that everything is falling into Darkseid. Time is distorting and that he needs backup. The problem with this is visually, it's hard to interpret time distorting, if anything it was clearer in Infinite crisis. The guardians note that help is on the way, with the Green Lanterns lead by Hal Jordan almost there until they reach Earth or Earths. As the multiverse seems to have broken into singularities. I really think Phil Jimenez captured the visual scope of broken multiverses better.

Back on Earth everything starts to fall. The president realizes that they have lost. John Stewart doesn't know what is going on and his ring is failing. Libra calls out that the Fifth world is here as the sky breaks open. Darkseid awakens "I.Am.The.New.God"

He speaks to the world. He controls the world. The fifth world is here and he has taken over it. He has taken over every single mind. And he speaks some of the most EVIL most mythic dialogue a God could ever speak. Poetic.

This is brilliant stuff, just so approproate "When I stare into your eyes and shatter your dreams. and break your heart. it is with six billion eyes". He says to the large group of humans in front of him who now bow to his every word.

The great thing about this and how grand and epic Darkseid is, that Superman will fight him or even attempt to fight him. Speaks to the mythical heroic ideal aspect of Superman, it isn't just about the American Dream and the immigrant story, that's all fine and dandy. But to others, Superman is the mythical good, the one that fights evil at it's grandest. He is an ideal. He is greater than just the American Dream.

In the bunker. The remants of the Rubik's Cube debacle reveal itself. As something new has been born. The Judge of all evil. The monitor has become something else. basically a dude going to an S&M underground club. But I'm sure it's something bigger than that. It's Nix Uaton, but seems more like that Mandrakk the Dark monitor that the solicitations have been talking about.

A pretty solid issue. The art is still pretty lackluster, and this feels more like a miniseries than an event. The art, the wider editorial aspect. But the concepts, the ideas, are pretty great. Mindfucks but this is a mindfuck I like. However, how are they going to wrap this up in two more issues. We'll see. But this does go by too fast and I do get the feeling, a rush job like the atrocity of the last issues of Infinite Crisis is on hand.

The art isn't that good, not for something this big and grand. Leinel Yu definately won this year and now with the different artists coming next. Ha.

Ohh Dan Didio, you funny cunt. Can't wait to see how you ruin The Blackest Night, ohh you already have, by making it a DC event rather than just the Green Lantern event it was going to be.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Note: - This issue takes place after Final Crisis: Submit

Before I start yes we all know the editorial mismangement and the new fiasco of Doug Mahnke taking over on art but i'll get to that later.

Alot of my feelings haven't changed. I still think it's mediocre art and the fact the delays and now total failure have happened is pretty pathetic, I would understand the delays if the art was by David Aja or Leonardo Da Vinci, but J.G Jones' stuff is nothing special, it's just comic book stuff.

His first few pages in Issue #1 were very nice, the comic book cartoon but at it's most detailed, but obviously he can only draw cavemen that well since everything has derailed.

I brought up the Lantern ring implant scene as confusing and fucked and a few people gave me shit about the artwork like the 4th pip.(*just reread this, apologies 4th pip I didn't mean the ring implant scene, you're still a dumb fuck though) But that dickhead equates the current Captain America, Daredevil and Iron fist to Azrael/Knightfall, Reign of Superman and Kyle Rayner. Ha, what a dumb cunt. And he's in his late 30's. Pathetic. Yes, I browse the comicbookresources boards.

Whatever, alot of people see it now. Those people disagreeing can go get fucked. Because i'm right.


SPOILERS ****************

To the issue.

First off. The cover. What a cover. Seriously. Killer. Jones should have been on covers only. I'll give him this. What a cover.

It's issue 4. And by the trades and ads we are told that EVIL HAS WON.

We get scenes of moments before the anti-life equation has been unleashed. Then anyone listening to a speaker, with a phone, GPS, airline monitor - becomes a victim of the anti life equation. Drones, zombies. Then they become justifier troops for Darkseid, other Justifier Troops physically put helmets on them just like The Human Flame. I don't what it is, but I preferred the Parademons, no matter how silly and ineffective they were. These Battlestar Galactica Cylon soldiers don't have that oomph, maybe Jones drew them too small. To recap, those who are not exposed to anti-life via technological means and are not in hiding, are physically forced to become Justifiers. So you have a bunch of superheroes and refugees in hiding.

Next we learn that the JLA Watchtower is unaffected. The Ray is beaming around the world from there delivering Daily Planet newspapers, which are still being published, via a printing press in the Fortress of Solitude. Where Morrison is going with this I don't know, but from what I see it seems he's using it like history has actually done it, leftist rebel propaganda under a tyrannical regime, inspiring people to fight back. You've seen it in South America, Burma, Iran. However I don't think it works here, because the circumstances are different and the people fighting back are different. It's a world taken over by Gods with the rebels being Superheroes.

Superman however is MIA, so are most of the mythic heroes. Wonder Woman is a Fury, Hal Jordan is arrested, Batman is captured and Superman is missing throughout the multiverse. What you get out of this is that there is still hope, it's as if Superman doesn't even know this is all happening, he's just gone and when he comes back, shit is going to go down. It's a cool idea. Rather than take him out, he's busy and maybe Darkseid didn't count on this.

Anyway the Ray ends up at the Hall of Justice with the tattoo man in hand(this story comes straight out of Final Crisis: Submit). At the Hall of Justice are some rebels - Green Arrow, Black Canary, Oracle, Linda West and her two kids, Jay Garricks woman. Green Arrow doesn't like the tattoo man there, but the tattoo man says he has a message from Black Lightning(Final Crisis: Submit), The Ray saved him because he's a good guy and wasn't going to let him become a justifier troop. The Ray lets it known that the only thing the rebels have via communication is the Daily Planet which he and others deliver around the world. Black Canary asks him what happened to the Bludhaven Strike force and judging by the front page of the planet it seems there was a team sent in to Bludhaven. Which we see by the double page splash follwing that it was a bad idea. Bludhaven in ruins(from before) but bodies of what seems to be random heroes(no one known) and atomic knights and their dogs. Same imagery from the future scenes of Cameron's Terminator films. Disturbing. Justifier troops with Evil God guns around Bludhaven.

Next is the evil gods. Godfrey and the scientists Mokkari and Simyan. Darkseid IS in Turpin. What we learn is that in the fourth world, the new gods and evil gods actually had human bodies like avatars, but it's not working aswell in the fifth world. Becoming Avatars that is. (correct me if i'm wrong). Turpin is resisting. Resisting Anti-life. Mokkari and Simyan are responsible for the 'evil factories' across the world and are merging human and animals into super soldiers for Darkseid. They are also grafting the new bodies for the Evil Gods(also correct me if i misinterpreted this). The evil factory grafted a new body for Kalibak. Basically he's a big tiger. It's pretty dumb and nowhere near as bizarre as the old body, he's just a big tiger with a shorts and a tank top with Kirby esque markings. He is however devouring a Green Lantern. Another big idea added is that there are factions in a sense between the evil gods, all trying their best to impress Darkseid when he 'incarnates'. Granny Goodness is in the stars fighting the Green Lantern Corps and the guardians, trying to take over the central battery(please, fucking please, show this). Turpin is slowly breaking down and letting Darkseid take over. Apparently a brave noble spirit that is broken down is only capable to hold Darkseid.

At the Hall of Justice, the justifier troops in their hundreds are trying to break in, very reminiscent of the second Lord of the Rings movie, The Two Towers. And that's where the tone kicks in that i've been waiting for. That feeling of dread that haunts the whole movie from when the Rohirrim leave Rohan. That same feeling of dread and helplessness plagues the rest of the issue. It just hit me that nothing has been done like this before, we get glimpses like in Days of Future Past or a city made like this in Onslaught which also had a similar tone, but nothing like this where Earth has been taken over. It's done. The Bad guys have won. But like I said, they haven't counted on Superman.

The Oracle says that the anti-life equation is a mathetical proof that Darkseid is rightful master of everything. It's a brilliant concept. Basically everything you believed in was a lie. Most people on this earth think there is a reason for everything or that everything is rooted in neutrallity. But what is existence was rooted in evil. All the people who have faith, destroyed, not only does it not mean anything but it's the opposite of what they believe.

The rebels or survivors want to get out of there, The Ray says he is a power generator and that the secret society had their own internet, the unternet(Morrison what the fuck?) and they didn't know about it until they were told by an informant within Libra's circle. The Ray patches it together and connect to Watchtower 1 - Checkmate Castle. Above Watchtower 1 - heroes, specifically Hawkgirl fighting airborne soldiers of Darkseid, below, justifier troops trying to break in like The Battle of Helm's Deep from The Two Towers. The Ray and Mr Terrific connect all the Watchtowers and Alan Scott gives a message to everyone. Above Alan Scott, pictures of heroes and their statuses, it can't help but be noted all the big guns are M.I.A with some powerful fuckers conveniently being offworld(Kyle Rayner) and you get yourself thinking that if he was there, things might be a little different. He is afterall, the Luke Skywalker of Green Lanterns. Others M.I.A - Superman, Kingdom Come Superman, Hal Jordan. This means something no doubt. When the baddest heroes are missing by chance, you know that means there is some hope.

Alan Scott gives an inspirational speech about how their world is being attacked by Gods, and they have powers and technology beyond them, they have a genetic factory in bludhaven and that their presence is deforming time and distorting their minds. And that they must also have courage to fight back. That there are 6 Watchtowers with heroes and refugees. There we learn Watchtower 3 is the Fortress of Solitude lead by Supergirl. Watchtower 5 is Superbia lead by Warmaker but it's falling. Watchtower 4 I can't make out(I thought it was Gorilla City and it was - thanks to Gary Ancheta for the note). Watchtower 6 is the Great Wall lead by August General in Iron. Basically a random superheroes are at different Watchtowers which are acting like forts, some of the Watchtowers are being attacked and some of the heroes are outside holding back the Justifier troops until the time comes for the Omega Initiative which is the final stand of the Superheroes at the Bridge in Bludhaven. A very cynical Black Adam sees this and wants to join in, dissolusioned with the fact the primal gods have left and these new gods have come in, and he has a very 'fuck it' attitude, knowing they are outnumbered and doomed but wants to fight anyway. Then it's a Fringe Ad.

Back at The Watchtower, The Tattoo Man who is slowly becoming a Superhero reveals he was given a circuit by Black Lightning(Final Crisis: Submit) and it reveals itself on him like a tattoo, and it's Metron's symbol, all over his body. Outside the Justifier troops with Black Lightning leading them are trying to break in, the rebels go to escape to the JLA Watchtower.

To the Flashes. Barry tells Wally that Darkseid is falling and he's dragging the Multiverse with him. Wally is first in shock at seeing his uncle and lets that take over him first, Barry explains that an unknown force reverse engineered him out of light particles. With a steel rope, the Flashes take out the Female Furies, Giganta is taken out like an At-AT by a snowspeeder. The Art is pretty all over the place here, not very clear.

At the Hall of Justice, Green Arrow says he's satying behind so he can wreck the teleport system so they can get to safety and can't be followed. This is a great scene, it shows he anti imperialism of Ollie but also his heroism. Black Canary argues of course but Ollie tells her she is the JLA leader now. As they leave, Ollie goes all out taking on a whole horde of Justifier troops and Apokalips dogs by himself but stops when he sees Black Lightning. Black Lightning takes him out and says the rebels have escaped and can't be followed, Ollie says that the bastards will never get them and that they'll all fight to the end. Then Ollie becomes a justifier troop.

Above the earth. The Black Canary looks out to the Green Lantern quarantined Earth, laments Ollie then becomes a soldier and tells the rebels to station weapons review.

Darkseid's Helmet is a Crown. Mary Marvel brings it on a cushion like it was a ring. Above the checkmate castle, Alan Scott and Hawkgirl are being overwhelmed by super justifer troops which they discover are some superheroes. Alan says they can't give up, they have to hold back the troops until the Omega offensive is ready, which is when Hawkgirl starts to notice the rain.

Godfrey asks Darkseid(Turpin is breaking down but still resisting) whether he gives a thumbs up for the triumph of the Holy Spirit or a thumbs down for a holocaust that will never end. Turpin still tries to resist, barely mouthing ""

In Central City. Images of a factory of people working for Darkseid, it basically looks like that world in Rock of Ages from Morrison's JLA run. Justifier troops breaking down people physically, everything around like walls and clothes with omega logos. And around that, Apokaliptan tanks. The woman walks into her apartment and stares blankly at a screen showing the omega logo. Barry and Wally walks in. The Woman is Iris West. Barry kisses her like he's waited thousands of years to do it and she comes back to normal.

Back at the Checkmate castle, Alan notes that he can feel the world colliding with the world of the Gods. That it feels like the end of everything. Hawkgirl notes the rain is blood. It's raining blood. Mister Terrific notes that something is coming out of nowhere, and through a portal comes out the japanese heroes in their super car. Mister Miracle(Shilo Norman) comes out saying they can save the world until he is shot by a SHADE soldier.


The Evil Gods asking for Darkseid. Turpins last narration. He is broken. That at the end, the only choice is Apokalips and Darkseid.

Darkseid Awakens. With a thumbs down. "Give In" - Turpins last narration.



Finally, it seems like it's kicked off, there are problems, but all that concept I had in my head of Evil winning and Heroism having to fight back and Superheroes as rebels is coming to the forefront. The most exciting thing and in regards to the Solicits is Superman being M.I.A, he's not taken out, just missing and he's Superman, the Anti-Darkseid. That is the best thing out of this book. He's going to come back like Aragorn to lead an army of superheroes against the Evil Gods.

The story is making sense, that good vs evil element is coming into full view. And "The Lord of the Rings" of the DCU is starting to take shape. I'm glad. That tone from The Lord of the Rings which is the greatest Good vs Evil story, those elements are seeping in.

The art is still mediocre. Carlos Pacheco drew some of it, but you can't note what he did, except the last full page of Darkseid. It's a good issue, which might become great if the next one adds to it. The storytelling, panelling is still meh. It doesn't have that epic feel like the stuff Ivan Reis does, Sinestro Corps War, you felt the scope. This is bigger than Sinestro Corps War and doesn't have anywhere near the scope. Some panels like of outside Checkmate Castle should have been larger with better angles. Though some of the ground shots of Central City in ruins were pretty interesting.

In regards to the mismanagement. J.G Jones should have never drawn this. JH Williams III (Promethea, Seven Soldiers, that amazing 3 issue Club of Heroes arc from Morrison's Batman) who is an ARTIST, should have done this, with his graphic design style, ability to draw like Jack Kirby, he would have made this something special. It's ludicrous that DC actually hired Jones knowing his track record. He has one fucking year of lead time. A fucking year. Fans say he spent it on design. Fuck you. A year. Fans say that Morrison kept changing it. There is NOTHING that jives with Countdown that needed a delay or modification to suit it. Nothing. He had a year of lead time, he didn't have to worry about Countdown. He said he was chained to a desk drawing this and by issue 4 there is already a fill in artist. Some fans say that they should have just let him continue with it just like Ultimates and Civil War, thing is those comics looked better from the start. And via interviews you just could tell Jones was overwhelmed with this, i'd be surprised how much of issue 5 is done by Jones.

What pisses me off about alot of DC fans and which is starting to crack now is that it seems like they don't read much comics outside of DC. I love DC, I mainly read DC but even I can admit Marvel has the better looking comics.

You look at most of DC's comics and there is nothing 'art' about them, they're just stories drawn as cartoons. There's nothing like David Aja's Immortal Iron Fist which makes you go 'wow' or Alex Maleev's Daredevil which makes you go 'oooh'. Maybe Ivan Reis' stuff on Green Lantern, it's the best and goddamn real good but it's still not as special as the others or distinctly artistic like the others. Although his storytelling, panelling is amazing. Ethan Van Sciver's is special but that dude draws one issue every 4 years. J.G Jones' art is mediocre, NOTHING special about it, wake the fuck up if you think it is because it isn't and to think he has failed in delivering 7 issues(oversized sure) with one year of lead time for this non special art is pretty pathetic. He's a slow penciller, I get it. DC was wrong to hire him and Jones was wrong to accept this. But DC fans, well not many now cos alot of them have started to agree with me, have been stupid to say that it's great or excusing his one year of lead time as design work. Fuck you. He failed, DC failed and now Final Crisis is going to be a clusterfuck. Doesn't matter how good the story is, there is nothing special about it anymore. It's the Lord of the Rings movies with 3 different cinematographers at different points, but they never started out with Andrew Lesnie, they just got some guy who did the latest TV to film adaptation.

I'm not too fussed about Mahnke, because his art on Superman Beyond 3D was impressive. But it's not art on the level with Marvel's previous events, he's no Leinel Yu, Steve McNiven or Ariel Olivetti. But it's ok, just when you have an event called FINAL CRISIS and it's billed as the be all and end all and you have a mediocre artist who can't even finish it. That's sad. This is a clusterfuck as said by a reader on Newsarama. This is the type of shit that makes Marvel laugh, last month they had more than a 50% share of the market, not superhero comics, but the market. DC continues like this, Marvel will have a 60% share by the time Final Crisis finishes. Yes, Marvel has all the best artists in comics on contract, but this was sheer stupidy by DC Editorial.

This isn't something that's going to become part of history like Watchmen or Dark Knight or the other mini series or comics that had one artist.

If this had better management, a better artist(JH Williams III) this might have been one of the greats.

B.T.W Final Crisis #5 has a new cover of Wonder Woman, Guess the other one was too skimpy.